Windows Phone 7 Update Mango Not Coming This Year?

Looks like it’s going to take even longer for Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 to catch up to the rest of the pack. While the update which was slated for “anytime now” bringing the elusive “copy and paste” to the WP7 handsets should be on schedule, the big full featured update, codenamed “Mango” is looking less and less likely for this year. Mango is supposed to be the update which brings features like multitasking, twitter integration and IE9 to the newcomers to the smartphone market. According to various sources, Mango is set to drop anytime from “early fall” to “early next year”.

If that’s the length of time needed to get a basic feature like multitasking on your handsets in a market where all this has been standard for a while, you’re not winning many points there Microsoft.

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