How do say “I love u” in japanese

One of the most popular phrases in any language is probably, “I love you”. In Japanese, “love” is, “ai (愛)”, and the verb form “to love” is, “aisuru(愛する)”. “I love you” can be literally translated as, “aishite imasu (愛しています)”. “Aishiteru (愛してる)”, “aishiteru yo (愛してるよ)” or “aishiteru wa (愛してるわ, female speech)” is normally used in conversation. “Yo” and “wa” at the end of sentence are sentence ending particles. However, the Japanese don’t say “I love you” as often as people in the west do, mainly because of cultural differences. I am not surprised if someone from Japan says that they have never used this expression in their life.

If you like somebody or something very much, “dai (literally means, big)” can be added as the prefix, and you can say “daisuki desu (大好きです)”.

There is another word to describe “love” which is “koi (恋)”. The kanji character for “kokoro (心, heart)” is included as part of both kanji characters. Compare the kanji characters below (From left “kokoro,” “ai” and “koi”).心、愛、恋

Both “ai (愛)” and “koi (恋)” can be roughly translated as “love” in English. However, they have a slightly different nuance. To find out about it, please check out my article, “Japanese Words for Love”.

Jeff : In short daisuki desu means i love you and all the while i thought aishiteru yo was correct 😛

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