Facebook Share Button To Be Replaced By Like?

Like something on Facebook? Well, the next time before you hit the Like button, you’d better think twice because what you like will technically be shared. Alright fine, so users can see what you like all the while, but back then they would have to pay attention and spot the small text that says that you liked a link. Now, when you like something, a full story with headline, text and thumbnail will be posted on your wall.

This might not be a good piece of news to all, particularly to those who do not want people to see that they’ve liked some provocative images and such, but it’s definitely a plus for advertisers and publishers as their news will become more prominent.

If you hate this new idea, well, pray very hard that it won’t be implemented. While a spokeswoman from Facebook, Malorie Lucich, said that Like is a preferred method as compared to Share and is the “recommended solution moving forward”, she later added that it’s only a test, saying “we’re always testing products that incorporate developer feedback as we work to improve the Platform experience, and have no details to share at this time”.

So is this just merely a test? Would you prefer a one-button-does-all method or do you prefer to have two different buttons with two functionalities? After all, the words Share and Like have completely different meanings and mixing them up might not be a good idea.

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