Google Goggle, Now Solve Suduko As Well

Cheating is never a good way of playing games, in fact, cheating is not a method or tactic in game playing but if you would love to impress someone by showing off how fast you can solve a Sudoku game, Google Goggles is here to help. Who needs pencils, erasers, or even calculators to solve the number puzzle? Just turn on Google Goggles, take a picture of the puzzle, click solve and Google will do the magic for you in approximately couple of seconds.

Alright so it defeats the purpose of solving Sudoku, Sudoku are supposed to occupy a large amount of your time when you have nothing better to do and solving them within seconds isn’t exactly a smart way but hey, it’s a cool demo and it’s already available right now. Hit the break to watch Google Goggles in action going head to head with the national Sudoku champion in 2009, Ms. Tammy McLeod. No prize given for guessing who won, the national champion or Google Goggles running on the latest Nexus S.

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